Monday, December 31, 2012

How To Improve Memory Power In 5 Minutes

Mental exercise is the key to boost memory power. Shortage of physical exercise makes the body inactive and lethargic, and absence of psychological exercise does the same thing to the mind. Train your mind frequently by repeating to yourself anything you need to remember as quickly as you learn it. This is very useful especially when remembering phone numbers and dates. Repetition is a simple system on how to improve memory power, but it works even for long term memory.

Another great psychological exercise is to envision how you’re going to use the information in the future. As an example, when you meet an individual for the 1st time, imagine meeting him or her again after some time. That way, you are sure to remember the person’s name when you meet again. You can also use other mnemonic methods like rhymes and word associations that may train you on how to improve memory power.

Do you have difficulty with teaching your brain to remember things? Let tools like paper and pen help you. Write down any significant information on a sheet of paper or a sticky note so that you can easily recall it when needed.

Mental exercises as one of the strategies on how to improve memory power won’t necessarily turn you into a genius, but they actually will help you to eliminate forgetfulness.

There is an amazing program that allows you to show dramatic learning improvement in just 5 minutes. You will learn how to drastically improve memory power, increase reading speed and comprehension, have better time management, and develop total concentration.

For more great information, check out How To Improve Memory Power.

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About the Author

Neil Hobbs is a father of three with a passion for learning and reading. He discovered an excellent system that will teach you many different methods to improve memory power and a lot more, including; increasing reading speed and comprehension, improving concentration and focus, boosting self-esteem and confidence, reducing stress, and becoming much more organized.

This system has allowed his son, Andrew, to decrease his high school work load and

How To Improve Memory Power In 5 Minutes

1 comment:

  1. Good one... A strong memory could lead you to have good confidence and help you to make things perfectly at the right time without any fail.
    Memory Improvement Techniquest
    One On One Maths Tutoring
    Kids Brain Trainer
    Right Brain Training
    One On One Maths Tutoring
