Wednesday, February 27, 2013

High Tech Public Relations Utilize All Channels

Major news agencies are effective in creating that initial buzz and therefore should not be ignored when it comes to high tech PR.

Obviously, the media - traditional as well as new media - function differently and have differing needs; however, a savvy marketer knows this and uses it to his advantage, particularly when applied to high tech public relations.

In planning a high tech public relations program understand that the mainstream media likes to report first-hand news about a product with insight from the technology's developers. The mainstream media is in fact the best at disseminating content. In other words, major news agencies are effective in creating that "initial buzz" and therefore should not be ignored when it comes to high tech PR. However personal blogs, even more so than mainstream media and professional blogs, have greater success sustaining a technology's reputation. It is the responsibility of high tech PR practitioner to look for ways to integrate his client's product into both.

There is no question that social media and news sites are important when it comes to all types of public relations, including high tech public relations. In particular, for high tech public relations, all types of media are relevant: from business news to social media to professional blogs. However in particular, personal blogs seem to have the most sustainable effect on high tech public relations for the long term.

Of interest to high tech public relations strategists is how news spreads online. For example, blogger influence may be lower at the time that a new technology is introduced, but their influence seems to have a longer lasting effect. This may be the case because blogs represent the public's response to a technology and the true merit of the innovation.

Those undertaking high tech public relations programs should recognize the importance of personal blogs and the long-term effect that they can have on the reputation for a product or company in the tech sector. It is necessary to integrate both personal blogs and traditional media into the efforts of high tech public relations programs. Specific strategies for targeting personal bloggers can include adding them to media lists, or reaching out to them via social media outlets like Twitter. The possibilities are endless when it comes to high tech public relations and should be strongly considered when it comes to building and sustaining a favorable reputation for a client.

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York, New York city public relations, High Tech Public Relations, PR, NYC Public Relations Firms, Financial Services Relations in New York visit

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High Tech Public Relations Utilize All Channels

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